samedi 3 mai 2008

Vishki.Deuxieme jour.Second day.Suite

I talked with quite a lot of people today.When I say my name they say"A Jewish name.There were a lot of Jews here but they were all killed".All the people I talked with are russian.By the way I don't know if there is one Latvian in Vishki!Even in the supermarket,which is in Spogi and where I bought kwass you hear only russian.They remember the Pogil,Bor and Dumesch families(you're lucky Bruce).To morrow I'll meet a guy who has a good friend named Pogil and who emigrated to the USA fifteen years ago.May be we are related.My Great Grandmother's sister's daughter married a Pogil.
I took quite a lot a photos again .

The former schhol of Vishki(already existed in 1950)

To see the photos click here
Pour voir les photos cliquez ici

I saw the basement of the synagogue.Seems that the column which was still there in the 60 ies felt down and is still at the place.

The steps of the synagogue

In an
abandoned old house in ruins I have been followed by a guy who wanted to marry me!

Handsome guy,isn't he?

I drove to the
Memorial Stone to the Jewish Holocaust Victims.It's a very small one but it's better than nothing.The Jews of Vishki and Dagda were shot here on the way to Daugavpils.

I had lunch at The motelis Garden on the road to Daugavpils.(Помнишь Брюс?Очень хорошая кухня)Tres bonne cuisine.

Roasted pork with pineapple for 3.70 lats

This evening I drove to the Jewish cemetery again and took black and white pics that I'll put on line.

Tombstones of the cemetery of Vishki
(black and white)
Pierres tombales du cimetiere de Vishki(noir et blanc)

Vishki.Deuxieme jour.Second day

Janis Kudins chez qui je loge est maire de Spogi et de Vishki.Il semble tres respecté et fait beaucoup pour les deux villages.
Janis Kudins at whom I stay is the mayor of Spogi and Vishki.It seems he is respected and does a lot for the two villages.

Il est assez difficile de se reperer a Vishki.Aucun plan n'existe a part celui ci .Quant au nom des rues il est facile de tout melanger tant les avis sont differents sur les noms d'avant et d'aujourd'hui.La rue Peterburg etait appelée Rue Komsomolskaya a l'epoque sovietique.
Ce matin je vais aller dans le quartier de la synagogue,ou du moins ce qu'il en reste c'est a dire rien a part les fondations.Les nazis ont fait un carnage ici .Tous les Juifs qui n'avaient pas eu la chance d'emigrer comme mon grand pere ont ete extermines,pour la plupart soit dans leur maison soit dans la campagne ou on leur faisait creuser des fosses qui allaient etre leurs tombes.
En ce qui concerne les victimes cliquez ici
les victimes de ma famille cliquez ici
et ensuite sur les liens.Vous comprendrez les raisons qui me poussent ici.

La synagogue de Vishki avant la guerre

Et pour changer de sujet voici une vue de ma chambre chez Janis.

A view of my room at Janis

Et maintenant je pars!
Bruce,Christine,I did not translate this page because you know all and I am in a hurry to go....