dimanche 4 mai 2008

Le 4 mai.May 4.Day 3

Quelle journee!What a day!
Riche en emotions.Full of emotions.

Je commencerai par Samuel Glezerov qui est un parent par alliance et que j'ai rencontré ici il y a 14 ans.Je le croyais en Israel et dans un autre monde.
I'll start with Samuel Glezerov, arelative by marriage whom I met here 14 years ago.I thought he was in Israel or in another world.
Mais ce matin j'ai essayé malgré tout de lui telephoner.But this morning I tried to call him.

Et c'est lui qui a repondu.And he answered.
Et je suis vite allée a Daugavpils(la deuxieme ville de Lettonie) a 25 kms de Vishki.
And I drove to Daugavpils(the second town in Latvia)25 kms from here.
Ce fut une joie inexprimable de nous revoir.It was an inexpressible happiness.
Nous avons dejeuné ensemble.Sa fille Lija,sa petite fille Dinotchka que j'ai connue bébé,et son amie Maria etaient la.
We had lunch together.His daughter Lija,his grand daughter Dinotchka whom I knew as a baby and his friend Maria were there.

Samuel Glezerov sings!
to watch the video stop the music on the player which is on the right.
pour regarder la video eteignez la musique sur le player a droite

A propos de Samuel Glezerov et comment nous sommes parents par alliance.
About Samuel Glezerov and how we are related.
Bierka(Boris) Usdin,le cousin germain de mon grand pere a ete arrete par les Soviets et envoyé en camp en Siberie avant la seconde guerre mondiale.Quand il est revenu a Vishki,sa femme Genya et ses enfants avaient ete assassinés par les nazis ainsi que son frere Ytzik et sa femme.
En secondes noces il a epouse la mere de Samuel Dina Abovna Glezerova.

Bierka(Boris) Usdin,my Grandfather's first cousin was arrested by the Soviets before WWII.When he came back her wife Genya and his children had been murdered by the nazis.
He married to Samuel's mother Dina Abovna Glezerova.

J'ai rencontré dans cette maison une dame agée qui a un livre de comptes sur Vishki des annees 30 et 40 et j'y ai vu souvent les noms de Usdin et Dumesch.
I met an old lady who has a cash book of the 30 ies and 40 ies and I saw the names Usdin and Dumesch.

Le soir chez Volodia Gaga,un original, j'ai trouvé une photo de la poste de Vishki.
In the evening at Volodia Gaga,an original man, I found an old photo of the Vishki post office.

If you wish to see Volodia Gaga,his house,his animals and his "bardak"click here
Si vous voulez voir Volodia Gaga,sa maison,ses animaux et son "bardak" cliquez ici

Volodia Gaga

Mikveh or Bakery?Mikveh ou Boulangerie?Микве или Булочная?

Tony,who will recognize himself,sent me a picture of the former mikhve(Jewish ritual bath)of Vishki before I left and yersterday I went there.
Tony qui se reconnaitra m'a envoyé avant mon depart une photo de l'ancien mikveh(bain rituel juif)et je suis allee voir hier.

An old lady who was gathering these flowers to make a kind of honey with them said it was a bakery.
Mais une femme qui ramassait des fleurs de pissenlits pour en faire une sorte de miel m'a dit que c'etait une boulangerie,enfin que dans ce batiment ils cuisaient le pain.

My fiancé(!)said it was a ritual bath before I said something about this building.
Mon fiancé (!)m'a dit que c'etait un bain rituel sans que je lui dise quoique ce soit.

I saw a kind of furnace inside through the windows

In the evening I asked Janis but he doesn't know.
Le soir j'ai demandé a Janis mais il ne sait pas.

You can see other pics of the mikveh here and photos of the synagogue basement
Il y a d'autres photos du mikveh ici ainsi que des photos des fondations de la synagogue

The are quite a lot of stork's nests here.
Il y a pas mal de nids de cigognes ici.

Now I am going to get info about my Pogil family.Yersterday I met a woman whose brother is a good friend of a Pogil who emigrated to the USA fifteen years ago.

I am related with Pogil as following:

According to the census for 1935 Rivka(my Great Grandmother Sarah Alterman's sister) and Esphir Gram lived in Vishki at Aglonas Street (number not stated).
Sora-Jocha(Rivka's daughter) married to Aron Pogil, born February 15 of 1896 in Vishki. They had at least one son Schloma Pogil, born on November 11 of 1929 in Vishki. According to the census for 1935 the family of Aron Pogil lived in Vishki at Rigas Street 112.
According to the records of the Soviet Extraordinary Commission for 1945 – the list of the Jews killed in 1941 in Vishki – Aron, Sora-Jocha Pogil and Riva Gram were killed in 1941 in Vishki.