samedi 10 mai 2008

May 11.Leaving to Russia.Depart pour la Russie

This morning I leave to Russia.
Ce matin je pars en Russie.
Below is the itinerary for the next two,three days,by the way I don't know yet how many days.

Voici l'itineraire pour les deux,trois prochains jours a venir.
Then I'll go to Gatchina and St Petersburg where I still have relatives Micha and Galia Usdin(Micha's Grandfather Kusel was my Grandfather's brother) and a good friend Natacha Tchilingarava.

Ensuite je partirai pour Gatchina et St Petersburg ou j'ai encore de la famille Micha et Galia Usdin(Le grand pere de Micha,Kusiel etait le frere de mon grand pere) et une tres bonne amie Natacha Tchilingarova.

8.20 AM.It's time to close the laptop and to go!
8h20 Il est temps de fermer l'ordinateur et de partir!
On the road again....

May 10,my last day in Vishki.Mon dernier jour a Vishki

Somewhere in the blog I wrote,that the synagogue of Vishki was destroyed in 1949.But I received a mail from Leizer Dumesch who spent his childhood in Vishki.He writes"Когда после войны отец приехал в Вишки,синагоги уже не было ,её сожгпи в 1941 году ,а не в 1949."(When after the war my father arrived in Vishki,there was no more synagogue.They burnt it in 1941 and not in 1949)

Quelque part dans mon blog j'ai ecrit que la synagogue a ete detruite en 1949.Ce matin j'ai reçu un mail de Leizer Dumesch qui a passé son enfance a Vishki et qui ecrit que quand son pere est revenu a Vishki apres la guerre la synagogue avait deja ete detruite.

All is very difficult as people say different things.
Leizer also wrote"Я был мальчишской и
то хорошо помню,что хорошая,красивая синагога была на улице Шульгас
,недалеко от Аглонас и фасадом выходила на базарную площадь ,рынок
располагался метров 300 от неё."(I was a little child but I remember very well what a beautiful synagogue was on Shulgas st[Bazarnaya st]not far from Aglonas and the front gave onto the Market place,the market 300 meters from it)

The market place in Vishki

On the market place,where they gave tickets to have the right to sell products

I was taking a last photo of the mikveh (or bakery)when people walked to me and invited me to drink coffee.(this never happens in France...)

J'etais en train de prendre une photo quand des gens sont venus vers moi et m'ont invitée a prendre un café chez eux(cela n'arrive jamais en France)

Regina,Sacha and Nina

Then with Nina Sergueievna of Sonia's house we drove to Volodia Gaga,who is 72 years old and remembers the holocaust in Vishki.

Apres avec Nina Sergueievna qui habite la maison de Sonia Usdin nous sommes allées chez Volodia Gaga qui a 72 ans et se rappelle tres bien de l'holocauste a Vishki.

Volodia Gaga and Veronika Galvane in 1972

Volodia Gaga talks about the holocaust in Vishki

Yersterday I took a movie of the Jewish cemetery.Eleonora Petrovna said that there were tombstones all over the cemetery but they stole the stones.Hopefully about 150 remain.It's very sad as not only the Germans killed all the Jews,but the Soviets stole the stones.

Hier j'ai filmé le cimetiere juif.Eleonora Petrovna a dit que le cimetiere etait reempli de tombes apres la guerre mais les Soviets les ont volées.Heureusement il reste encore environ 150 tombes.Non seulement les Allemands ont tué tous les Juifs mais en plus les Soviets ont pillé le cimetiere.

The Jewish cemetery of Vishki

The videos are not good quality because I had to reduce them.I'll make of them better films when I'll be in France.

Toutes les photos
All the photos

and to end my last day in Vishki Janis and Regina,the owners of the guest room invited me for a "chachlik party"
Et pour terminer mon sejour a Vishki Janis et Regina,les proprietaires des chambres d'hotes m'ont invitee a une "chachlik party"

Janis Kudins

To morrow morning I'll cross the border to Russia.
Demain matin je passe la frontiere russe.