Demain je pars pour Yekaterinbourg et les montagnes de l'Oural.
To morrow I am living to Yekaterinburg and the Ural mountains.
1130 kms.702 miles.
Je pense qu'il me faudra deux jours mais cela va dependre de l'etat des routes.
I think it will take two days but it will depend of the roads.
A Kazan je suis a 3800 kms de Lyon.
In Kazan I am 2360 miles from home.
Depuis mon depart j'ai fait exactement 7000 kms.
Since departure I have gone 4350 miles
May24.Le 24 May
Il est 8 heures.It's 8AM.
And I am ready to leave after a good breakfast at the hotel.I recommend this hotel which would be a three stars one in France and the room is only 1000 rubles.
Je suis prete a m'enfoncer dans la Russie encore plus profonde apres un superbe dejeuner a l'hotel.Je recommande cet hotel qui serait un trois etoiles en France et ou les chambres comme la mienne sont a 1000 roubles.
On the raod again!
vendredi 23 mai 2008
Le 23 Mai.May 23.Kazan
Для Джанет
Да, это Кириллов где я была и спала 4 дня назад.
И я видела Ферапонтов монастырь но нет своими фресками потому что монастырь был эакрыт к сожалению.
Privet to:
Galia of Daugavpils
Galia of St Petersburg
Natacha and Elena of St Petersburg
Yulia,Marina,Tanya of Daugavpils
Samuil,Lija of Daugavpils
Janis and Regina of Vishki
Now it's time(10.30AM)to go to the kremlin and visit.
Kazan,one of the most beautiful towns in Russia.(certainly the most beautiful after St Petersburg)
Kazan,une des plus belles villes de Russie.(sans doute la plus belle apres St Petersbourg)
click to enlarge.Cliquez pour agrandir
Suite en photos au pays des Tatares.
Le Kremlin et la cathedrale de l'Annonciation et la mosquée Kul Sharif
La tour Syuyumbike. Selon la legende, Kazan aurait ete mis sous siege suite au refus de la princesse Syuyumbike d'epouser le tsar Ivan. Pour sauver la ville, elle aurait accepte a condition de qu'une tour plus haute que toute autre mosque a Kazan soit construite en une semaine. Aussitot la tour complete, elle se serait donne la mort en se jetant du haut de celle-ci.
Then something incredible happened to me today.And if I hadn't taken a photo nobody would have believed me!
While driving from the kremlin suddenly I saw a big menorah and thought"if there is a menorah there is a synagogue" and yes it was a synagogue.
I went in and asked a man(lubavich)who is the Rabbi Ytzchak Gorelik if I may take a picture.He said "yes" and "where do you come from etc etc"When I said that my paternal ancestors came from Latvia he said"mine too and I have something interesting to show you".He came back with the book of the synagogues in Latvia,that his grand father wrote and I met his grand father at the synagogue of Riga in 1994....I said that I want to buy the book,that it's very precious for me.He said it's not for sale but purposed 100€ and he agreed.
It's just a miracle .He said there is no hasard in life and wrote it in hebrew on the book.I really think so....and I have a strange feeling but I am very very happy I found the book and met the rabbi.
The book and the Rabbi of Kazan
The book"Synagogues in Latvia"
La communauté juive de Kazan
The jewish community of Kazan
Hotel de Kazan qui va etre restauré.The Kazan hotel which will be restored.
Alentours de l'hotel.Surroundings
and this beautiful little cette belle petite eglise....
Toutes les photos de Kazan All the photos of Kazan
"Здесь церковь и мечеть соседствуют и являют пример такого братского дружества меж крестом и полумесяцем,такое,пожалуй,можно встетить только в Казани...."
Александ Дюма
Catherine II,Alexandre Dumas,Pouchkine et Chaliapine sont venus a Kazan.
Для Джанет
Да, это Кириллов где я была и спала 4 дня назад.
И я видела Ферапонтов монастырь но нет своими фресками потому что монастырь был эакрыт к сожалению.
Privet to:
Galia of Daugavpils
Galia of St Petersburg
Natacha and Elena of St Petersburg
Yulia,Marina,Tanya of Daugavpils
Samuil,Lija of Daugavpils
Janis and Regina of Vishki
Now it's time(10.30AM)to go to the kremlin and visit.
Kazan,one of the most beautiful towns in Russia.(certainly the most beautiful after St Petersburg)
Kazan,une des plus belles villes de Russie.(sans doute la plus belle apres St Petersbourg)
click to enlarge.Cliquez pour agrandir
Suite en photos au pays des Tatares.
Le Kremlin et la cathedrale de l'Annonciation et la mosquée Kul Sharif
La tour Syuyumbike. Selon la legende, Kazan aurait ete mis sous siege suite au refus de la princesse Syuyumbike d'epouser le tsar Ivan. Pour sauver la ville, elle aurait accepte a condition de qu'une tour plus haute que toute autre mosque a Kazan soit construite en une semaine. Aussitot la tour complete, elle se serait donne la mort en se jetant du haut de celle-ci.
Then something incredible happened to me today.And if I hadn't taken a photo nobody would have believed me!
While driving from the kremlin suddenly I saw a big menorah and thought"if there is a menorah there is a synagogue" and yes it was a synagogue.
I went in and asked a man(lubavich)who is the Rabbi Ytzchak Gorelik if I may take a picture.He said "yes" and "where do you come from etc etc"When I said that my paternal ancestors came from Latvia he said"mine too and I have something interesting to show you".He came back with the book of the synagogues in Latvia,that his grand father wrote and I met his grand father at the synagogue of Riga in 1994....I said that I want to buy the book,that it's very precious for me.He said it's not for sale but purposed 100€ and he agreed.
It's just a miracle .He said there is no hasard in life and wrote it in hebrew on the book.I really think so....and I have a strange feeling but I am very very happy I found the book and met the rabbi.
The book and the Rabbi of Kazan
The book"Synagogues in Latvia"
La communauté juive de Kazan
The jewish community of Kazan
Hotel de Kazan qui va etre restauré.The Kazan hotel which will be restored.
Alentours de l'hotel.Surroundings
and this beautiful little cette belle petite eglise....
Toutes les photos de Kazan All the photos of Kazan
"Здесь церковь и мечеть соседствуют и являют пример такого братского дружества меж крестом и полумесяцем,такое,пожалуй,можно встетить только в Казани...."
Александ Дюма
Catherine II,Alexandre Dumas,Pouchkine et Chaliapine sont venus a Kazan.
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