The weather changed.White sky and it was cold tonight.
Элена,дай мне твой мэйл адрес.Он где то а его не нашла.Ты скоро уедешь во Францию.Удач желаю на пути.
J'ai rendez vous avec Jula a Daugavpils a 1 heures et nous revenons ici.Elle a vécu a Vishki apres la guerre et bien sur connait beaucoup de choses.Je pense qu'elle m'aidera dans mes recherches.
I have an appointment at 1PM with Jula in Daugavpils ,then we come back here.She lived in Vishki after the war and knows a lot.
La Lettonie a beaucoup changé depuis mon dernier sejour en 1994.A l'epoque elle sortait du communisme et il restait beaucoup de traces.Maintenant comme tous les pays d'Europe de l'Est elle s'uniformise sur le modele Europe de l'ouest.Batiments modernes,super marchés,voitures neuves etc etc...
All the houses in the village seem small but inside it's quite big and there are several rooms.I have a better idea of how my ancestors lived as I go in all the abandoned houses when they are not locked.My family during czarist government lived in the house of Danilievitcha on Peterburg st which is Aglonas st.
The pharmacy of Vishki(back of the house)
Before driving to Daugavpils to take Jula I went to Lizla Petrovna Borkevich
Jula's mother's house in Vishki.The house has been bombed during the war as most of the houses of Vishki.
My fiancé,Nina,Dima and Jula
Izrael Dumesch's house
Bazarnaya Plochad
Appartement where Jula lived with her mother
This lady talks a little about the holocaust in Vishki
4 commentaires:
Привет Кристин твои визиты очень интересные и чувствительные . Желаю тебе большой выдержки в таком долгом пути я горжусь твоим мужеством . Я уезжаю 9 мая возвращаюсь 18 мая . Во Франции буду с 12 до 16 . Мой е-маил : . A bientot de te lire . Je t embrasse . Elena .
bravo! je regarde tous les jours sans en avoir l'air - travail formidable: un vrai boulot de pro! tes journées sont bien remplies et ça doit passer vite - je t'embrasse; continue bien ton périple - robert
Tu ne peux savoir quel plaisir cela me fait que tu me lises.Je n'y croyais plus.Quelles emotions!Et je n'arrete pas.Mais le temps passe et je vais etre triste en partant d'ici mais ce n'est qu'un au revoir.Il n'y a pas cette hospitalité et gentillesse en France.Je rentre chez tout le monde!
Ta niece
Thank you so much for visiting with my cousins and for the very touching movies that you took! I still can't believe that you just walk into the abandoned houses! :-)
Of course I know that you must have been very excited to have the chance to tour Vishki with someone who grew up there.
Seeing the inside of Israel Dumesh's home and Jula's childhood apartment was so interesting. I wish my Russian skills were better, but I learn more every day...
Again, thank you. May all of your trip be as successful and meaningful as your visit to Vishki!
Best Regards,
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