jeudi 8 mai 2008

May 8.


Eleonora Petrovna avec qui j'ai rendez vous ce matin a ecrit un livre sur Vishki.Le livre est en letton mais j'espere trouver un traducteur.
I'll meet Eleonora Petrovna this morning .She wrote a book about Vishki.The book is in latvian but I hope to find a translator.
Jula said that There were houses everywhere and they were very close together which is certainly true as 176 houses have been listed on Aglona street.Click here
Jula dit qu'il y avait des maisons partout et celles si etaient cote a cote ce qui ne m'etonne pas car nous avons repertorié 176 maison sur Aglonas st.Cliquez ici
En 1935 il y avait 423 Juifs sur une population de 750 habitants.

Bruce,Esther Shor(by the way she is my relative Galia Koltun's aunt)'s map is not wrong.The market place,Jewish school,post office are at their right places.

After Eleonora I'll try to figure out where your houses were.The problem is nobody knows where Riga st(Рижская ул.) was but they think it's Kraslava st now.

Veronica(Vika)Galvane's house

...on Bazarnaya ulitsa

I am meeting Galia and Boris this afternoon in Daugavpils.

The sky is still white but I am so happy to be here.
Le ciel est encore blanc mais je suis si heureuse d'etre ici.

I met Eleonora Petrovna who wrote a book about Vishki.She gave me the book.
.The book seems interesting but it's writen in latvian.She explained that the Vishki Jewish cemetery was filled with graves after the war but the Soviets(or Latvian people)stole the stones to built the roads they did in Daugavpils.They distroyed the entire cemetery there and now people are buried in the hudge(all religions)cemetery on the road to Rezekne,by the way to Vishki.
J'ai rencontré Eleonora Petrovna qui est un professeur a la retraite et qui a ecrit un livre sur Vishki.Elle a expliqué que le cimetiere de Vishki etait rempli de tombe jusqu'au portail mais les soviets ont volé les tombes pour construire les routes etc..Ils ont fait la meme chose a Daugavpils et maintenant les Juifs sont enterre dans l'immense cimetiere de toutes religions a la sortie de Daugavpils sur la route de Rezekne,c.a.d sur la route de Vishki.

Catherine 1ere,la femme de Pierre le Grand est née a Vishki pres de la gare actuelle et construite en 1860 et quelques,d'apres Eleonora.Je suppose que mon Grand pere a pris le train dans cette gare quand il est parti pour la guerre en 1914.Tres emouvant
Catherine the first,according to Eleonora and other sources was born in Vishki near the railway station built in about 1860.I suppose that my Grand father took the train in this station when he went to fight in 1914.Very moving.

The Vishki railway station

CatherineII dite la Grande Catherine de Russie est passée a vishki et cette eglise orthodoxe ci dessous a environ un mile de Vishki sur la route de Kraslava a ete construite en son honneur.
Catherine II,called Catherine the Great went through Vishki and this orthodox church below situated about one mile from Vishki on the road to Kraslava was built to honour her.

Je suis allée a Daugavpils voir Galia et Boris Koltun.Quel plaisir d'etre avec eux!Ils m'ont invitée a dejeuner au restaurant a nouveau.
I drove to Daugavpils to meet Galia and Boris Koltun.What a pleasure to be with them.They invited me in a restaurant again and again I loved the food.
En face du restaurant il y a une jolie eglise orthodoxe.
Across the street there is a beautiful orthodox church.

We went to the Jewish cemetery where Boris's Grandmother is buried.
Nous sommes allés au cimetiere Juif ou la grand mere de Boris est enterrée.

Boris's Grandmother gravestone

The rabbis of Dvinsk(Daugavpils)graves

Je ne reverrai pas Galia et Boris car je pars en Russie dimanche.Cela me rend tres triste mais il y a internet.
I shall not see Galia and Boris anymore this time as I leave to Russia on sunday.It makes me very sad.

Galia Koltun talks about her Grandmother Gita Usdin

In the garden of all the houses in Vishki there is a bania(little wood cabins for bath.Kind of sauna)
Dans le jardin de toutes les maisons il y a un bania(sorte de petites isbas en bois qui sert de sauna)

Bania at Sonia's house

Inside of the bania

Svetlana,Nina and Dima's daughter.
She gave me a tapestry,that she made.An isba in a russian paysage.

Maintenant voici ou je vis,dans la guest house de Janis Kudins,maire de Vishki et de Spogi.La fenetre ouverte est ma chambre.
Now here is where I live,in Janis Kudins's guest house.He is the mayor of Vishki and Spogi.The opened window is my bedroom.

Today photos

Yersterday photos

2 commentaires:

Bruce a dit…

Christine -

I have been writing so many emails this past two weeks that I forget what I have told to you and what I have told to Leizer.

1) I have a translation of most of the Latvian book on Vishki from Vadim, at least about 10 pages that Marina scanned for me. I thought I sent that to you, but I must have forgotten. I'll email it.

2) I feel certain that Улица Рижская, where my family homes were, is the street that the synagogue was on. The reason I am so sure is that in the 1935 census, Israel Dumesh (Leizer's father) was listed as living at 118 Riga Street. Leizer lived next to the synagogue. I think there is no question that all of the homes of my direct ancestors were destroyed in 1941. There are three homes that Veronika told me about, owned by my Dumesh cousins, that are on Aglonas, and I know each of them.

You can see in this photo:

that all of the homes near the synagogue were destroyed.

Очень грустный, да?


Veronika's house looks almost story-book like to me.

Уздин a dit…

Bruce,you're certainly right as Izrael Dumesh house is situated at a corner of Aglonas.
I'll go to see now and shall tell you.