jeudi 8 mai 2008

May 9.День Победы

Поздравляю с Днем Победы!

Я уезжаю в Россию 11 мая...Так как я буду путешествовать, я буду состанавливаться в разных местах ...Не беспокойтесь, если вы меня не видите...Это будет означать, что у меня нет соединения с интернетом.
До новых встреч в эфире,
ваша Кристина Сергеевна


A Vishki j'ai rencontré Vladislav qui est né en 1928 et qui se souvient de la tuerie.En face de la synagogue il y avait un cordonnier.Il m'a montré des petits fers a chaussure et me les a offert.

In Vishki I met Vladislav who was born in 1828 and who remembers the killings.He shown me little ironshoes(don't know the word) and gave them to me.(Bruce I'll gave you one).There was a shoe maker across the street where the synagogue was.

Ostrov forest
Tragedy of Vishki Jews started in July 1941, when those involved in the local commanding centre started to recruit locals to identify and eventually bring together all Jews. Ostrov Wood by the Vishki Lake was being prepared for the bloody operation, it was announced to the locals that Jews will be shot there, machine-guns were being installed. Vishki District became a closed zone, all the Jews were taken to Ostrov. Suddenly, an order came to call off the operation. Jews came back to their homes to prepare for transfer to Daugavpils Ghetto, where all the Jews had to arrive by July 26 1941."from Eleonora Petrovna's book

Ostrov forest

Et pour vous faire envie,maman et Nicolas voici mon repas de tout a l'heure( 6 heures)au motel Garden.

Et un des lacs de Vishki

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1 commentaire:

Bruce a dit…

Большое спасибо, Кристин!